Date not passing from table to form

...One of the dumb ways Microsoft thinks is helpful....
Ssssh! Redmond may be Listening!:eek:

I think I hear the Black Helicopters overhead, now!:D
Ssssh! Redmond may be Listening!

Of course they are listening. They are always listening. Microsoft monitors every keystroke on every Windows computer on the planet.

Haven't you ever had them phone you to fix the problems they detected you have been having?:D
No, but I was approached a few years ago about becoming an MVP. Wasn't particularly interested in anything as structured as the process sounded, but made a comment to someone online, the next day, about being contacted by Micro$oft for this, and amazingly, never heard from them again! They apparently have very little sense of humor! What a pity!

Linq ;0)>

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