Design Question(s)


Registered User.
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Today, 15:47
Nov 11, 2002
I'm working on a database for storing employee resumes but am struggling to pull it together.

I need to connect employees to employers to projects and am envisioning three tables:

tblPersonnel (key ID_personel) - basic employee data

tblEmployers (key ID_employers) - employer info, including employee start/end dates

tblProjects (key ID_project) - project title and description

Some employees will have many past employers and projects, while others will have few, so I imagine that each employee record will contain multiple employer records which will in turn contain multiple project records. The question I have now is how do I lay it out in a user friendly manner? Any help would be gratly appreciated. Thanks.

Just looking quickly at this before I dash off to a meeting.

I would try something like

tblPersonnel (ID as AutoNumber) holding employee demographic data

tblEmployers (ID as AutoNumber) holding employer data

tblEmploymentData - have tblPersonnel ID as link and tblEmployers ID as link also the StartDate and EndDate in there too.

tblProjects (ID as Autonumber) and tblPersonnel ID as as link

That way, you should have Personnel data only recorded once, Employers recorded only once, EmploymentData can be many and Projects can be many.

I think that'll work when you do the relationships


I'll give that a try. Once that's working, it will be interesting laying it out on a form for mailmerge to Word...

The actual resumes don't seem to feature in the design so far. I would keep them all as word documents. One folder per resume with file names smithYMMDD.doc. These would be referenced by by hyperlink fields to specific proposals/projects as each resume should be personalised for each project. The resume itself should contain a footer referencing the specific project ID so that you have links both ways.

Linking Word to Access via VBA seems an unnecessary layer of sophistication for what you are describing although you can do clever things that way if you need to.
The actual resumes don't seem to feature in the design so far. I would keep them all as word documents. One folder per resume with file names smithYMMDD.doc. These would be referenced by by hyperlink fields to specific proposals/projects as each resume should be personalised for each project. The resume itself should contain a footer referencing the specific project ID so that you have links both ways.

Linking Word to Access via VBA seems an unnecessary layer of sophistication for what you are describing although you can do clever things that way if you need to.

Thanks dsigner. Linking the two together does make things a bit more sophisticated, but it will allow me to run queries on specific capabilities and a few other bells & whistles. Each proposal has different resume requirements (what type of info needs to be included, layout, etc) and I was hoping to use this tool to help automate formatting. It's far easier to develop one template for each proposal, than modify a 100 individual resumes.

Unfortunately, I only know enough about VBA to get me into trouble, and the little experience that I do have has all been centered on a few MS Access apps. This forum has been a huge help over the last few year.

Unfortunately, I only know enough about VBA to get me into trouble,

Wanna know the truth? We are ALL in that boat. The more we learn about VBA, the more trouble we can get ourselves into. That's the nature of the beast. You NEVER learn enough to keep completely out of trouble.

Actually, though, that's a good thing. It translates to job security.

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