Display only the last four digits of identification numbers


New member
Local time
Today, 14:24
Oct 10, 2011
I know how to get excel to show only the last four digits of ID numbers. At first I thought I can just import the excel file with the last four digits and hide the column with the full ID numbers but all got imported to Access. If I am stuck with this, how do I get Access field to display only the last 4 digits? I do not want to show "***-**-****", just the last 4 digits only.

In excel I would use the RIGHT function, "=RIGHT(A1,4)." Can I do this type of function, "=RIGHT([field name],4)? I have not attempted to try it yet. Thought to ask first. :D

Access 2010
It seems odd that you'd take all the time to type this up rather than just try it. In answer to your question, Access also has the Right() function so that should work fine.
Yep, I should have tried it out first before posting on the forum. It worked just as I hoped it would.
Thanks and sorry to waste anyone's time.

Access 2010

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