Error 3075_code syntax


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:30
Oct 19, 2001
Hello all

Just a quick question:

Why does this work perfectly:
RunTimePoints.Value = DLookup("PTPoints", "Point Table", "PTRun = [RunTime]")

yet, this doesn't:
rst.Fields("RunTimePoints").Value = DLookup("PTPoints", "Point Table", "PTRun = " & rst.Fields("RunTime").Value)

I'm getting a runtime error #3075 on this line. I have a funny feeling it's having to do with single/double quotes.

[RunTime] is a text field.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
SharonC said:
I'm getting a runtime error #3075 on this line. I have a funny feeling it's having to do with single/double quotes.

Then do this:

rst.Fields("RunTimePoints").Value = DLookup("PTPoints", "Point Table", "PTRun = """ & rst.Fields("RunTime").Value & """")
Just veering off on a tangent for a second, but I assume you are updating a field value this way? If so, you don't need to because that value can be retrieved using a query if PTRun is unique in the Point Table, if isn't unique then then DLOOKUP would be unreliable.
Thank you, Mile! Worked like a charm!

And thanks, Forn. You're quite correct in your observations. I'm just working with a really hosed up program right now and I just want to see things "work" (if you know what I mean).

Thanks to both of you!


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