Error 3346: The number of query fields and destination fields are not the same

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()

If Len(txtSearchString) = 0 Or IsNull(txtSearchString) = True Then
MsgBox "You must enter a search string."


Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Set dbs = OpenDatabase("e:\my documents\appeal.mdb")
Dim SQL As String
GCriteria = txtSearchString
SQL = "INSERT INTO appealtemp" & _
"(caseno, defendent, respondent, fdate, type, cat, perticulars, taluk, village, sno, ono, extnt, deflaw, opplaw) " _
& " SELECT ('caseno, defendent, respondent, fdate, type, cat, perticulars, taluk, village, sno, ono, extnt, deflaw, opplaw" _
& " FROM appeal " _
& " where caseno= GCriteria');"
'send data from sql to message box
'MsgBox SQL
'send data form Sql to database tblFilename.
dbs.Execute SQL

End If
End Sub

pls help me

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