Error no 2950 Access 2007 and Vista


Registered User.
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Today, 07:04
May 13, 2007
Can anyone point me in the right direction.

I have a databse which consists of a front end and back end which holds all the data. This was written in Acess 97, upgraded to 2000, and now on of our users is trying to use in Access 2007 on a Vista plateform. I know i should get rid of the macros and write them all in code, but time does not permit at the moment.
My problem, when the user clicks a command button the first command is hourglass on True
setwarnings false
outputto (saves a report to c: in .SNP format)
This is where i think it is falling over, please see error messages below
When you click the comand button a message box appears saying

Enter parameter value

Members birthdate (this is a filed in attached table)

An input boxs opens

Ok or cancel

The user does not know the value so clicks OK

error appears

Action failed

Macro name

Msf payment part 2



Action name



3 msf monthly report snapshotformat (*snp),c:\msf.snp

Error no 2950

I have searched MS site for error and all i get is the
which the user assures me they are doing.
As i do not have Access 2007 and Vista as yet, i cannot replicate this and resolve.


One part they may have missed is that, from what I've seen (and experienced) you need to run Access 2007 in Vista as an administrator for macros and code to work.
One part they may have missed is that, from what I've seen (and experienced) you need to run Access 2007 in Vista as an administrator for macros and code to work.

I have had 1 experience with Vista and a friend could not load Office, it turned out to be user rights, administrator is not good enought, but i cannot remember how i resolved it, it involved turning something off in control panel and users i think?

I'd try it with code.

In the OnClick property line, right click to get the
Build... option and select EventProcedure. When the VB
window opens, use this code:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_Command0_Click
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_MyQuery", acViewNormal

Exit Sub

End Sub

You can replace OpenQuery with any other command.
I'd try it with code.
Macros or code, it really doesn't matter which because in Windows Vista you have to go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSAccess.exe and set it to run as Administrator.
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Macros or code, it really doesn't matter which because in Windows Vista you have to go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSAccess.exe and set it to run as Administrator.

THanks for advise, will give this a go.
Access 2007 Runtime: Error 2950

I have a problem with a Microsoft Access Runtime Application.
Since I reïnstalled Vista a few days ago, I cannot open my Access Runtime Application anymore (Error 2950). I don't have this problem on other computers, only on my own laptop. It seems to be a problem to open Action- or Delete-queries.
I'm not convinced its a Vista problem. I have exactly the same error using XP Media Center Edition. I've set the folder the .accdb file is in to be a trusted location but still get the error. I'll let you know if I figure it out.
This error was happening on my machine because there was an invalid Custom Toolbar set in the properties of my start up form. Removing it fixed the problem.
This error was happening on my machine because there was an invalid Custom Toolbar set in the properties of my start up form. Removing it fixed the problem.

I had this problem on a database which had been migrated from Access 2000. I also got the message "return with no gosub".

It occurred on a switchboard form, i.e. just command buttons, after I had made some modifications and switched to embedded macros rather than event procedures.

I renamed the form, and opened it in design view and selected and copied everything. I then closed the form and opened a new one in design view, pasted everything in, and saved it under the original name. Apart from cosmetic things like the background colour, it behaved exactly as the old one did but without errors.

I wonder if it was due to corrupt VBA event procedures in the old form that caused it ?

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