Exporting Currency Field Without Decimal Place


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:43
Aug 4, 2003
Hi All,

I need to export a currency field to include the pence but without the decimal place, is this possible?

It also needs to be 11 characters wide.

I have tried a number of formats and can get the decimal point removed but I am not getting the pence displayed. :banghead:

Thanks in advance.
Can you upload an extract with any sensitive data being removed and can you please state which query you are exporting and into which program. A small example of what it looks like know and what you would like it to look like.
Multiply the number by 100
Seems you should not be using Currency (it might default to 2 decimals??)
Multiply by 100 to an Integer/Long datatype for export.
I am trying to export an amount to be paid for example 5.16 the export is to a text file and the field will need to show as 000000000516

Thanks for the replies.
Why do you need all those leading 000's?
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