Exporting OLE sound files


New member
Local time
Today, 14:33
Feb 16, 2008
Hi all,
I have a table that contains OLE sound files as well as several other fields. I would like to be able to export these out of Access, or even better, to be able to collect several of them them into one long sound file and export it. Does anyone have a way that I can do this, programmatically if possible?
All the best,
I think you have the terminology mixed up a little here. OLE is a standard for linking program functionality together between disperate program types. OLE objects are the means of achieving this linking. Sound files are files that are stored on media in various formats (mp3, wav, mid, etc.).

In order to combine "sound" files, you need a lot more than Access. If you have a magic sound file manager that you can insert into Access, that will help. I just paid almost $300 for a package that can do some of this (midi, wav, and proprietary). Most programs available nowadays come with an OLE provider.

I just went into Access and included the Windows Media Player ActiveX control in a project and was able to select a Windows Media Player ActiveX/OLE object on a form. Not sure how to use it, but, the principle is: Access won't do what you want directly. You'll need to embed a tool in Access that will do what you want. That tool might be expensive or it might be built into Windows Media Player, which in turn can be embedded in an Access project.

I'm really fascinated by how this turns out. I'm sure somebody else here will have (more salient) advice, too.
Thanks for setting me straight. I managed to get the regular Windows sound recorder application to record and play the sound file, which is stored in a table as an OLE object (right?), from a form, and so now 'just' need to collect several of these into one file, which I could achieve by copying and pasting into Audacity or whatever, but it'll probably be 25-50 sound files each time so automating it would be highly desirable...
In case anyone is interested, here's how to do what I describe above, assuming you have a table with an OLE object filed called "soundfile", and two buttons on the form called "play" and "recordsound":

Private Sub Play_Click()
Me.Soundfile.Action = 7
End Sub

Private Sub RecordSound_Click()
With Me.Soundfile
.Class = "soundrec"
.Action = acOLECreateEmbed
.Verb = acOLEVerbPrimary
.Action = acOLEActivate
End With
End Sub

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