External Name Not Defined


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Today, 13:06
Dec 3, 2008

I have what I hope to be a simple error that is a result of me not being VBA-savy enough.

Basically I took Irish's Audit Trail module and tried to customize it a bit. Basically I wanted to add a field in the audit table that captured an account number, so I can easily search for all changes made to a particular account. When I run this, I get "External Name Not Defined" on the below text in RED.

My form that holds the field (acct_nbr) is frm_mssbac.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim sAuditTable As String
Dim sSQL As String
Dim sTable As String 'Table where the record is being edited
Dim sAcct As String
Dim CTL As Control 'The control in the form being edited
Dim sFrom As String 'Original Data in the control
Dim sTo As String 'What the original data was changed to
Dim sPCName As String 'Name of the PC that is being used
Dim sPCUser As String 'Name of the User on the Networked PC
Dim sDBUser As String 'Name of the Database User
Dim sDateTime As String 'Date and Time of the change
' This Audit Trail will track changes to existing records.
' In the "Before Update" event of the FORM enter the following:
' Call AuditTrail(Me.Form, [RecordID])
' Make sure to create a table called "tbl_AuditLog" and have the following fields:
' (A table will be created automatically if it does not exist)
' 1. RecordID (This is a unique number)
' 2. txt_Table (This is the table where the record was changed)
' 3. lng_TblRecord (This is the RecordID number from the record being changed)
' 4. txt_Form (This is the form being used to edit the record)
' 5. txt_Control (This is the data entry control (field) that was edited
' 6. mem_From (This is the original data in the control (field)
' 7. mem_To (This is what the original data was changed to)
' 8. txt_PCName (This is the name of the PC used to edit the record)
' 9. txt_PCUser (This is the name of the user logged onto the PC)
' 10. txt_DBUser (This is the name of the person looged on to the databse if used)
' 11. dat_DateTime (This is the date and time the record was edited.)
' The inspiration behind this code is from:
' 1. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;197592
' 2. http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=44231
' Be sure to enable the "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" Reference

Public Function AuditTrail(frm As Form, lngRecord As Long)
On Error GoTo Error_Handler

' Skips this procedure if a new record is being entered in the form
'If frm.NewRecord = True Then
'Exit Function
'End If

' Checks to see if the tbl_AuditLog Exists
' Creates the table if it does not exist
Set dbs = CurrentDb

sAuditTable = "tbl_AuditLog"
On Error Resume Next
If IsNull(dbs.TableDefs(sAuditTable)) Then
'Table does not exist
On Error GoTo Error_Handler
sSQL = "CREATE TABLE tbl_AuditLog([RecordID] COUNTER PRIMARY KEY, [acct_nbr] TEXT(20), [txt_Table] TEXT(50), [lng_TblRecord] LONG, " & _
"[txt_Form] TEXT(50), [txt_Control] TEXT(50), [mem_From] MEMO, [mem_To] MEMO, [txt_PCName] TEXT(50), " & _
"[txt_PCUser] Text(50), [txt_DBUser] Text(50), [dat_DateTime] DATETIME);"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'Table Exists. Do Nothing
On Error GoTo Error_Handler

End If
Set dbs = Nothing

' Runs through each control on the form and checks for edits/changes
For Each CTL In frm

Select Case CTL.ControlType 'Only checks data entry type controls.
Case acTextBox, acComboBox, acListBox, acOptionGroup

sFrom = Nz(CTL.OldValue, "Null")
sTo = Nz(CTL.Value, "Null")

If sFrom <> sTo Then

' Gets the required Info
sTable = frm.RecordSource
sAcct = [frm_mssbac].Form!acct_nbr
sPCName = Environ("COMPUTERNAME")
sPCUser = Environ("Username")
sDBUser = "Me" 'Get Username from the database login
sDateTime = Now()
sSQL = "INSERT INTO tbl_AuditLog ([acct_nbr], txt_Table], [lng_TblRecord], [txt_Form], [txt_Control], " & _
"[mem_From], [mem_To], [txt_PCName], [txt_PCUser], [txt_DBUser], [dat_DateTime]) " & _
"VALUES ('" & sAcct & "', '" & sTable & "', '" & lngRecord & "', '" & frm.Name & "', " & _
"'" & CTL.Name & "', '" & sFrom & "', '" & sTo & "', '" & sPCName & "', " & _
"'" & sPCUser & "', '" & sDBUser & "', '" & sDateTime & "')"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End If
End Select
Next CTL

Exit Function
MsgBox ("Error No: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description)
Resume Error_Handler_Exit
End Function
Change this:

sAcct = [frm_mssbac].Form!acct_nbr

to this

sAcct = Forms!frm_mssbac.Form!acct_nbr
Doh! That fixed it. Thanks!
Sure thing - glad to be able to help.
I am having a similar error: "Compile Error: External Name Not Defined"
When I debug or attempt to run the procedure, I get the error with refernces to the code in red. The line highlighted when the error occurs is the initial public function statement. As you will see, the fields are spelled correctly and defined in the recordset selection. Thank you in advance.

Set DB = CurrentDb
strSQL_RS = "SELECT DBTEMP_PB_Affected.PC_ID, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.Tier, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.Application, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.ModifierType, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.ModifierIncrement, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.ModifierValue, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.SysID, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.Price, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.EffectiveFrom, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.EffectiveTo, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.Size, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.Unit, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.Container, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.DisplayUnit, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.PB_ID, DBTEMP_PB_Affected.Rev" _
& " FROM DBTEMP_PB_Affected;"

Set RS = DB.OpenRecordset(strSQL_RS)

PB_EntryID = DMax("PB_EntryID", "PriceBook") + 1
'rotate through records incrementing PB_Entry
With RS
Do Until .EOF
'Update the Price book new Rev number in the query:
intNewRevPB = [RS]![Rev] + 1

strSQLPropagatePriceCodes = "INSERT INTO PriceBook ( PB_EntryID, PC_ID, Tier, Application, ModifierType, ModifierIncrement, ModifierValue, SysID, Price, EffectiveFrom, EffectiveTo, [Size], Unit, [Container], DisplayUnit, PB_ID, Rev )" _
& " Values(" & PB_EntryID & ", '" & ![PC_ID] & "', '" & ![Tier] & "', '" & ! [Application] & "', '" & [ModifierType] & "', '" & ![ModifierIncrement] & "', " & ![ModifierValue] & ", '" & ![SysId] & "', " _
& ![Price] & ", #" & ![EffectiveFrom] & "#, #" & ![EffectiveTo] & "#, " & ![Size] & ", '" & ![Unit] & "', '" & ![Container] & "', '" & ![DisplayUnit] & "', '" & ![PB_ID] & "', " & intNewRevPB & ");"

'DoCmd.OpenForm "sqltester"
'Form_sqltester.txtSQL = strSQLPropagatePriceCodes

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQLPropagatePriceCodes

PB_EntryID = PB_EntryID + 1

End With
I do not understand why the compiler failed to utilize the recordset fields in the current state even though it would recognize them and correct capitalization whitle I was typing the statement. I was able to work around this by redefining each field in variables which I then used in the sql text.

If anyone can shed some light on this for me, please do.
If not, I hope my work around helps someone else.
Migth have something to do with Application and SysID being reserved words in Access
how to make sDBuser to be login user from Login table..
sDBUser = "Me" 'Get Username from the database login..

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