Flame Wars

Don't condemn all us brits for what is possibly just an English failing:D

And don't condemn all English for what is possibly just the failing of one. :D


If he can lump Canadians and ALL Americans together, then the same can be done with you! :D

I'm just pulling his leg though. I have enough of an open to mind to know that not everyone thinks, feels, or believes the same ideals, especially radical ones that put all citizens of one country, race, sex, sexual preference, religions, or political affiliation, together. ;)
I'm more of an "innocent until proven guilty" kind of guy. Since you just made a comment or accusation in the "American way", and you're also becoming as obsessive about making American observations as you seem to claim we are about religion, laws, customs, etc... are you sure you are not American?

Don't you have something witty and/or clever to respond with to my expansion? Are you still in too much shock that your vague and narrow generalization of Americans didn't hold up? :p

By the way, unequality is not technically a word. I'm sure you mean inequality. Please do try to use proper English or your post loses it's credibility. :cool:

Perhaps I am secretly American, living in the UK.

That's why my grammar may slip occasionally, and of course the reason why I have such a good knowlege of American ways.

Are you going to answer my question? Or shall I keep nagging 'till eveyone gets cheesed off with you for not answering.

Perhaps I am secretly American, living in the UK.

That's why my grammar may slip occasionally, and of course the reason why I have such a good knowlege of American ways.

Are you going to answer my question? Or shall I keep nagging 'till eveyone gets cheesed off with you for not answering.




Spellcheck can work wonders for people with your condition. :D
Aw c'mon Colin please learn to spell, we look to you to correct OUR errors ever since you apponted yourself to gaurdian of the English Language.

Are you going to answer my question? Or shall I keep nagging 'till eveyone gets cheesed off with you for not answering.


I think that you will find that it is you that they get cheesed off with, perhaps you could run a poll.


I never said that I could spell or type, and only ever criticise Col as he is a self appointed expert.

If you are going to correct all of my posts you are likely to be busy. ;)

I would offer a couple of opinions on this thread.

First, the non-technical forums are not the only place where things get spirited. A couple of cases in point - discussions from a few years ago regarding: the merits of meaningful and meaningless keys; proper meaning and use of NULL; the best way to decide that a given string is null; when it is not only acceptable but proper to not fully normalize a table; treatment of data vs. meta-data (and not talking about Access's meta data, but rather some descriptive info about a project). I could probably dredge up a few more from my admittedly feeble memory, but those are probably enough examples of spirited discussions that involved some differing and strongly-held opinions.

Second, I rather like the idea of never actually deleting a thread, but allow it to be closed - solidly as in "no more posting to it." Either by the original poster, when that person believes the problem to have been either solved or beaten to death; or by a moderator who decides that the post has taken a nasty turn.

I'm in other technical forums unrelated to access. In one of them, when you close a thread, you must post a comment with that closure - as OP or moderator. If we did forced closures when it gets too nasty, the person responsible for the nasties could at least see where s/he stepped over the line. I've seen that in actual practice and I think it is a great solution to the problem of a thread that has degenerated.

Third, as to why I don't respond to questions about the USA and barbs directed our way ... you must have confused me with someone else. Now if you are going to speak ill of Bill Clinton (who wasted good cigars) and GWB (who was not quite a total waste), I might not actually berate you for it. But there are at least a FEW things we got right - like ousting the then-repressive British government from our shores - so we could replace it with a now-repressive USA government of our own. Don't you know that it is less about the repression and more about the fact that we did it to ourselves?

Before you ask... GWB wasn't a total waste because Laura got him to throw at least SOME money at education. I consider that a positive thing. As to the other things he pushed through, like the Patriot Act, ... we could have done without that legislation. If I say more, my blood pressure will just go up again and I don't need the aggravation.
Before you ask... GWB wasn't a total waste because Laura got him to throw at least SOME money at education. I consider that a positive thing. As to the other things he pushed through, like the Patriot Act, ... we could have done without that legislation. If I say more, my blood pressure will just go up again and I don't need the aggravation.

Can't give GWB credit for something his wife did. Really, both GWB and Billy were only public faces more than anything else. They had no power. Hillary ran the office when Billy was there and GWB, well, we know it was big oil that ran the office then.
Laura got him to do it and probably helped him to sign his name, but it was his signature on that piece of paper that got more money allocated for education.

Bill Clinton actually did run things. Just not all the time. Sometimes he was the puppet, sometimes not. You have to look at what he did before he was Governor of Arkansas to see what else he did. It ain't pretty if you look hard enough, and all of those who could now testify against him for the more unsavory aspects of what he did are now either deceased or out of the USA. Except for Hilary, and she's not talking about that time any more. But if you want to watch old wounds open up fast, just let Hil run for the White House. Hoo, boy, will you ever see the fur fly then? You betcha!
I'm always amused by English who get narky about spelling US style and claim they should learn to spell.

Americans spell "color" as they do because that was a relatively common way to spell colour in England when they set out for the new world in the 16th and 17th centuries. Spelling was by no means standardised (or is that standardized?) back then.

Later as the language was recorded the French influence "couleur" swayed the authors of the dictionaries to settle on the modern English blended spelling.

Since "color" is consistent with the Spanish and original Latin versions of the word it could well be argued that the English have allowed their version to be corrupted by the French.
I'm always amused by English who get narky about spelling US style and claim they should learn to spell.
Well what about the Welsh, Scottish and Irish members of the forum then?:confused:

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