Form improvement for gui effects


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Today, 00:48
Feb 16, 2004
Ok... The project is nearly done and I'm just trying to put on the finishing visual touches in the forms.

Here is a picture of my form (see attachment)

The clock is realtime, and the log on/log off buttons add users and remove users from the MWR assets. The formality of the DB is not necessary, but what I would like to do is make each log on/log off button be available/unavailable for each record. hmmm... let me clarify. Each MWR asset is a record in the table (MWR Manager). This form shows all records in that table. Pressing the logOn/Log off button on the respective asset, logs a user only onto that one asset. What I would like is that if a user is say on "IP Phone #1" I want its log on button no longer visible and only its log off button. So that it is obvious to the person using the database that noone else can be logged on and this person can only be logged off. Simple enough right? that's what I thought. Because all records are shown, which is a must for its purpose, there is only one base design record and everything else is repeated for each record. Therefore when I tell the logon button to visible = false. All of the logon buttons go away. Ideas? I only want the respective rows buttons to be visible or not. Not all of them for obvious reasons.

Additionally, is there a way to convert forms to data pages or something of that nature? I've never done something like that and would love to be able to carry the style and functionality of this form to a simple web interface that does the same thing but without having to have the manager open access at all. Trying to follow the KISS rule... (Keep It Simple, Stupid)


  • MWR Cafe.JPG
    MWR Cafe.JPG
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I take it that you are using Continuous Forms. If you have Access 2000
or later, see the Help files for Conditional Formatting. That should do it
for you.

Use this to make the button disabled, instead of hiding it (i think it will make it more uniform) But i belive you will still have to check out conditional formatting. (Unsure)

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
    Me.cmdLogOff.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdLogOn_Click()
    Me.cmdLogOff.Enabled = True
    Me.cmdLogOn.Enabled = Flase
End Sub

Private Sub cmdLogOff_Click()
    Me.cmdLogOn.Enabled = True
    Me.cmdLogOff.Enabled = False
End Sub
Synthetic Weed
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a.sinatra said:
Use this to make the button disabled, instead of hiding it (i think it will make it more uniform) But i belive you will still have to check out conditional formatting. (Unsure)

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
    Me.cmdLogOff.Enabled = False
End Sub

Private Sub cmdLogOn_Click()
    Me.cmdLogOff.Enabled = True
    Me.cmdLogOn.Enabled = Flase
End Sub

Private Sub cmdLogOff_Click()
    Me.cmdLogOn.Enabled = True
    Me.cmdLogOff.Enabled = False
End Sub

Yes I'm using 2k. I've tried using conditional formatting for a few other things and the one problem that I have run into is getting it to update things in real time. If I understand correctly it needs to be requerried to refresh all the information correct? So if that was true, would putting a requerry command in the forms timer function solve this problem? Ie getting it to do conditional formatting the moment the even changes (time based)?

Also in line with what Sinatra was saying. Quick reference question. Would the "me.cmdLogOn.Enabled = True" effect only that one records button and not the others being displayed? Also if I wanted to reference another records button or text box but was not currently in that record, how would I set the focus to it? Naming has me thrown since they are all named exactly the same as the 'template' items are called.

Thanks again for the help.
Rich said:
You can't hide individual controls on a continuous form in code

So I take it you can't do individual anything to records in continous form (buttons, text boxes,etc.) correct then? :(

Suggestions on how to do something like this, (a different method)?
Nothing worse than a bored novice - that one being me. I made a continuous form bound to one of my tables and added ONE command button to the detail row labeled "Test" and ONE to the header row labeled "Log On". The onclick event for "Test" changes the caption for "Log On" to "Log Off" depending on a data item in the specific record and stores the value of the key field in a Public variable.
The onclick event for "Log On" (or "Log Off" depending on "Test") can react to both is own caption and the value in the public variable as desired.
Just a thought.
Oh, you can certainly change DATA in any row on a continuous form if editing is allowed. I don't know of a way (Already stated) to change PROPERTIES of a standard command button for an individual row. Its one control displayed in each row.
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I noticed that the time on and time off seconds displayed are the same. I think they should be randomly different. Is there a problem? Or are you just using test data?
Tony Hine said:
I noticed that the time on and time off seconds displayed are the same. I think they should be randomly different. Is there a problem? Or are you just using test data?

The Time off data is a projection of 30minutes later when the individual needs to get off the MWR asset. Just kind of a visual tracking. So yes, the seconds are supposed to be the same. However the actual log off time will vary to when they actually get off the machine.

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