Form to Update instead of Add New

Hi Sketchin, read this post, it looks similar to my query, can you help me adding the data in dabase instead of adding new?

have tried combo boxes, but i require two combo search boxes, which can populate the details from database into the form.
Also, in the split view im looking for po number with all invoices listed. Like in this case if we type a student name it shows all subjects of the student... something like that.

please see the attachment, i have a excel sheet in which three forms are to be created.... im totally new to access and very lost... would appriciate if u can tell me how i make this work?


I really have no clarity on where you are at in the design. Do you have any tables created? Start with that, then normalize the tables, then create forms with the form wizard.
So I've been looking around trying to learn some more terms and such, and I think this is kind of what I want, except I have to select the student first, then select the course, and have it auto-fill from the second combo box choice. Also, I don't really understand what this is telling me to do... and all my information for this form is in one table (Training).

Maybe you can give me a step-by-step of how to do this?? Or is this not what I'm looking for?? :confused:
So you want to select a student, then filter the courses combo so it only shows fields that are associated to the student?
Yes!! Hurray!!

And then when I choose the Course, I want it to auto-fill the form so that I can change the date/grade/etc. on THAT record instead of making a NEW record.

Does that make sense?? And is it possible with my teeny-tiny amount of Access knowledge??

You are my hero right now Sketchin :)
How about I email you the database I have, then I can tell you where I used that type of function.

Send me a PM with your email. are misunderstanding how a database works. You can always scroll through records and update things as you please. You dont always have to add a new record.
It won't let me send a PM until I have more posts... I will put in a 'dummy' post and try again.

Thank-you btw!!

I know I can scroll through and update records, that's what I'm trying to avoid... I will be updating over 400 records in the next month, and don't want to have to scroll/search for every individual record.
I want to update the records in the same way that I would normally enter new data, especially since a lot of the data is repetitive (ex. 25 students will have 5 exams each in the same location, with the same date). I also don't want to have to sort all the exams by student before I can start updating the db.

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