Fusing Form and Folder


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:10
Jun 1, 2006
Okay, so I know how to open variable folders with a button or combobox from Access...but I think I want to have my cake and eat it, too;) Is there any way that an Access form and an Explorer folder can be meshed into one object?

I had an idea where after the user selected a value from the combobox (afterupdate) then the folder corresponding to the combobox value would open (this part I know how to do)...but the folder would open in a specific part of the form. Like binding windows explorer into an object box and then having it jump to different folders as the user changes the combobox selection, aand the user would still be able to drag stuff into WE from the desktop or wherever.

Am I being vague? Can something like this be done? I think if I just knew how to open a folder in a specific place and size I could work something out.

Any help with this would be awesome, I haven't been able to find anything like this in the forums!

Since there are no replies and my boss is happy with what I have, I'm just going to give up on this.
In that case can you help me?

:confused: Erm... I've tried searching these forums. How DO you open various forms and whatnot from combo boxes?
You can use the AfterUpdate event on your combobox and set it to open whatever form you select, if that's what you're going for. Something like

fName = Me!MyCombo.value
DoCmd.OpenForm (fName)

As long as the value in your combobox has the same name as the form you want to open, it should work.

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