Get Username in a Web Database


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:15
Oct 20, 2011
Hello everyone. I am using Access 2010 on a Windows 7 computer. I have an extremly simple web databse I am trying to create for our SharePoint site to seperate, track and store comments for a particular project. I know SharePoint features, but like I said, it is for a particular project, so having this in a database will make moving forward easier when this starts to grow.

My problem is I want to get user names and store them automatically instead of making a login feature. My users already have to log into three areas just to get to this point and there is no real reason to make them login again, except we need to know who is making the comment. Since Environ only works in VBA, what macro or string of macros can I use to get this information automatically?

Environ would be perfect (as no one can manipulate usernames on our system), but that isn't enabled. Thanks to all that look over this, have a great day!
It seems there is a CurrentWebUser() method that can be used in conjunction with SharePoint Foundation 2010. I will test it out when I can and hopefully it will work! When I can I will let everyone know my findings.
I was unable to test this feature. Our SharePoint no longer has MS Access Services enabled. Hopefully, one day, this will eb re-enabled and I can test it then. Thanks all that took the time to review this. Hopefully future searches will find this helpful.

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