Greetings from the West Midlands, UK


New member
Local time
Today, 20:03
Oct 2, 2011
Having just joined, I thought it polite to introduce myself before the onslaught of questions I am likely to post.

I've used Access 2003 previously in an IT role, but only to create a flat file DB with front end for a few SAP extracts, although my role back then was primarily coding eSQL in Webphere MQ.

I left the IT industry 6 years ago and have returned to engineering, where I hope to replace my current employers multiple MS Excel files with a MS Access DB - I'm in the early stages of creating a Proof Of Concept demo.

I'm running Access 2010 on Windows 7/32, the 8 or so clients will be running Runtime on XP. I like the new interface and it's apparent simplicity, although I'm at the bottom of a very steep learning curve I'm sure.

I note a lot of the solutions in the forum are given in VBA. Having done a fair bit of VBA in Excel, I had hoped Access would be a little more easier (my VBA coding is a little "dirty"). If the search function does not reveal any pertinent solutions, I hope my limited technical vocabulary can prompt some simple solutions without too much VBA - I can only hope.

When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I'll most likely be out in the countryside in a 4x4 looking for things to point a camera at.

Hi Lawrence!

Welcome to the forum! Fellow newbie here...

Enjoy your stay!

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