Hello and Help


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Today, 20:53
Aug 10, 2006
I am a new memeber and also very new to access, i have been given the task of using access to track all the equipment in my lab and when each peice of kit needs to be calibrated or serviced.
I need the 'Calibration' Due date to automatically update its self either 1, 2, 3, 6 or 12 months is there any way i could get access to do this for me other than the user having to input it manaully?:confused:
Look at the thread for user twychopen22 - he has a scheduled expense problem that can be handled in a similar way to your calibration problem. Not identical, but similar. That might give you some ideas. Topic is "scheduler in Access"
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after reading 'scheduler in Access' and being confused by it all, i was wondering if anybody could tell me if it is plausable to export to exel get it to make the changes for me then import it back in?
Access will handle it far better that excel. You will need VBA code to calculate when an item is due, add the frequency period and create a new record with the new date. You will also need an extra field in your table to tag whether the record has been updated.

Screen shot of an Asset Management program I developed. The maintenance tab allows the client to view service history at a glance. Handles the automatic updating of schedules by using the methods mentioned above. Allows the suspension of the maintenance program (if an asset is out of service for a period of time) and can be re-instated at a later date without all inbetween missed services being added.



  • assetupdate.JPG
    93.3 KB · Views: 82
sorry i really am new to this, i have just looked up VBA code, but would have no idea how to write a script or even where to put it in the table, would you be able to provide me with a bit more indepth help or maybe a working example i could follow?
The sample posted above is a working Db, for sale, not for reference, sorry

PM me if you are interested


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