Hello from Carolina


New member
Local time
Today, 12:16
Sep 17, 2012

I am posting from Aiken, South Carolina where I am assisting a space management group with their data management and reporting needs. I am a newbie to MS Access 2010 so I am looking forward to getting some much needed help via this forum.

I enjoy Bunco with my neighborhood gals and my husband and I have fallen in love with the two newest members of our family--a gold/white border collie named Saluda and a beautiful baby granddaughter named Cora Ellene. One year old Saluda continues to amaze us with his ability to understand and learn new tricks and Cora Ellene keeps getting more beautiful and even rolled over for the first time just this past Sunday (AT ONLY 7 WEEKS!).

May everyone out there have the love and joy of a fabulous pet and a beautiful grandchild. Now, let's get started with Access!

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