Hello from NE Florida


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Local time
Yesterday, 16:20
Feb 19, 2015
I'm am an Admin/Exec Assistant/Program Assistant for a dual company. A financial firm and private foundation. I created a database that has only 1 table with many fields (175+). I know, I know....normalization. The database keeps track of people that request our services (free) searching for clinical trials and second opinions. I created a main form that contains the most important information on the individual. Within that form, I created buttons that call other forms that use the other fields. I had a private consult with an Access tutor who first told me I should split the table but when he reviewed what I had done, he agreed it worked.
Now I am trying to add two fields (Reminder and ReminderDate). I created a table with 3 fields, the PTID, Reminder and ReminderDate). I related this table to the main table by PTID. I would like to have a tickler system where the users would click a form, enter the PTID, the reminder and date and on closing it would send to an outlook calendar. I am stuck on how to get this done.
Everything I've done is self-taught. Books and online research.
Any suggestions on how to make this work would be greatly appreciated.

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