

Registered User.
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Today, 11:17
Aug 17, 2009
I am working on a report that is based on a query and I need to know how to make it add information so that the report only shows totals. I am sure this is not as difficult as I am making it, but it seems to be the easy things that trip me up! What I have is tickets that were issued in a certain period, the table has all the individual information, but I just need to total number of tickets that were issued for the month, I don't need to see the individual tickets, just the total on the report. Any help is greatly appreciated by me and my coworkers, who are really tired of hearing me getting angry with my computer!! Thanks in advance.

Tasha :mad:
Build a query that will filter out the tickets you don't need and show the ones that you do to start with.

Do you need a total for one month? Or a total for several months like

July - total
August - total
Sepetember -total

If for just the one month, you can set the criteria to look for the ticket dates for that month then make the query have a total row in which you tell the field where your value is to "sum". I can guide you on this more if you need. Then you can use this query as the source for your report.

If you want for several months you can build your query, then do a sorting and grouping and the report level, although you will need to separate out the month from your date (probably in the query), and I am not sure how to do that, but there are plenty of people here who can help with that part.
Hmmm, I figured out how to separate out the month from the date, See my attachemnt and let me know if this is kind of what you are looking for.


another way

have a report designed the normal way to show details, and totals

now just make the details section NOT VISIBLE

hey presto - totals only

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