Hiding Images in Reports


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 19:26
May 10, 2011
Hi all,

I've read the various threads and can't get my head around this one.

The DB has questions and answers, some of which are supplemented with images which are stored in a folder outside the DB.

I have two fields, [Image Required]=Yes/No and [ImagePath] identifying the file path to the image file.

The practice examination answer sheet has a picture box (pardon terminology) [ImageFrame] with an embedded macro with the line:

Me!ImageFrame.Picture = Me!ImagePath

This calls in the relevant image for that question to the detail section of the report.

However, not all answers have images but where this is the case I am stuck with empty picture boxes, which can have the effect of taking what should be a 20 page report into a 60 page report.

What I need is some sort of condition which says something along the lines of:

If [Image Required]=Yes

Me!ImageFrame.Visible = Yes


Me!ImageFrame.Visible = No

End If

I've tried this (and various alternatives) in the OpenReport section of the Report properties but I am obviously doing something wrong with the code.

Could one of you learned bods help out please.

Thanks in anticipation.


If [Image Required]=Yes 
     Me.ImageFrame.Visible = True 
     Me.ImageFrame.Visible = False 
End If

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