How do I display listbox column data in a textbox that is not the bound column?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:16
Nov 7, 2011
I have a textbox that has a control source of my listbox. My listbox has two columns: Lender Id and Lender name and my bound column is 1. The control source is LENDERIDFK and its datatype is number so if i set the bound column to 2 it will give an error.So now do i display the lendername in the textbox without changing the bound column?
Put this in the controlsource of your textbox


Listboxes and comboboxes are zerobased so the "first" column is 0.

Put this in the controlsource of your textbox


Listboxes and comboboxes are zerobased so the "first" column is 0.


Edit: Thanks it works.

Also, i have another problem that i hope you can solve.
There are two textboxes that refer to the same listbox in order to calculate interest rate.

Textbox1 calculate listboxvalue+lenderate. Textbox2 calculate listboxvalue+screenrate. How do i like.....enable the values of only 1 and disable the other ? Lender rate and screenrate are both input boxes . Currently both textboxes will show the results correctly but i do not want both of them to calculate.

Example if i entered lender rate i would like to block off the calculation of screenrate+listboxvalue.
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