HOw to build efficient reports?


New member
Local time
Today, 08:41
Oct 29, 2014
Hi all,
I have been asked to build this database for a non-profit. I am not really good with Access, so I am having major issues. They already know what reports they need to produce every month. I need to automate it in Access. There is a lot to it. This is the info they are looking for every month:

1 report is just a list of all their members this particular month. The fields are: GainID/the non-profit assigns this number/, Date of Arrival, Referral Source / a few options here- I built a separate table for that and connected with The Client table/, Recommended # of days, #Days Attended, Completion Date, Last Day of Attendance

My problem: I cannot use any of the dates to pull this data, members could have been admitted any month and they are also reporting those who completed this month, also those who stopped coming; basically anybody who is in any way a member that month is on that month's report. I thought of introducing another table like Member Status and do YES/no . Is there a better way?

2 report's fields (we are looking for statistics here) New Members this month (i will get it by admission date), 4 categories for admission: Current education/social issues, Parents with issues, Attending a detention school, Siblings with issues, Members who completed the program
Problem: Again looking just for anybody considered a member this month

3 report(just statistics ): Youth enrolled in (high school, middle school....I have to show number for each member; Referral source (school number for each)
Number of referrals - everybody who came ,not just members
and what happened with the referral (referral status): accepted, screened, waiting list...etc)

I figured the referrals will be easy. I will get it by arrival date. What's the best way to get the numbers for other categories?

Thanks for any help.

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