How to move MSSQL database without re-indexing keys


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:37
Sep 13, 2003

I have a MS SQL database on a shared host, and would like to move it to a new shared server host.

When moving, the database should remain exactly the same, without re-indexing of primary keys etc.

The trouble is, my new host will not attach a SQL Server database, and are unwilling to restore from a back-up (it's no problem getting the detached database or backup file from the current host, the problem is applying them to the new host).

Question is then, is it possible to achieve this through some kind of data export/import?

Thanks for any help guys...
The hosting company wont attach a DB or restore a backup? what the hell...

Did they give you any meaningful reason for this somewhat strange attitude?
They're Fasthosts. Need I say more?

They actually told us that they could attach MS SQL databases when we asked them specifically prior to signing-up. Now we're going to have to move, which is very very frustrating.

All their support people keep telling me over and over is that I can migrate the data once the database has been set up. They don't seem to understand the concept of re-indexing - which I've explained explicitly now to 5 or 6 operators.


Maybe you should ask them if they bother to back things up then, if they dont restore backups then what would the point of doing any backups.

Sounds like someone who doesn't know what they are talking about calling the shots at that place.

There is no way you can move the data without recreating the index, you will have to DTS: create table, insert data, reindex, updatestats

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