how to set relationtype between 2 tables?


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Today, 17:06
Jul 9, 2006
I have 2 tables: Ordertable and Nameproposals table.

1 Order can have many Nameproposals connected to it.

I have tried, in relationview in Access 2000, to pull Ordertable Primary key field, to the corresponding Nameproposals foreign key field.

But the relationship is being described as: "unknown" relationshiptype.

what can i do?

I want Ordertable to have a 1:N relationship with Nameproposal, but i cant seem to be able to get it that way. Thanks for your help.
(If its a way in t-sql to run a script to establish such a relation, no problem, i am willing to try it..)
Does Access create the join in the relationship window? If so, you can right click the join and see the join type there.
neileg said:
Does Access create the join in the relationship window? If so, you can right click the join and see the join type there.

Yes. The relationship is created (A line visually connects the 2 tables.) However, when i right click the join the join type is described as "undefined"...

This implies that i cannot update fields in queries that combines the two tables. A pity. If anyone has a suggestion how to turn the relationship into a 1-N relationship, i'd be thankful . ;)

Can the trouble i have be caused by that i already have data in both tables? Because i have tried to create and drop this relation several times now. Some joins i've already made when the db was new (with no data in), is marked as "1:N" relationship..

Is there a way for me to do it in commandline mode? Like with ordinary t-sql..? Please help
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can you post a copy of the dB? Or a picture of the relationship window?
KeithG said:
can you post a copy of the dB? Or a picture of the relationship window?

well KeithG and others.. ;) I had somehow managed to drop the primary key index in the Orders table. Therefore it did not work...

Now that the Primary key is reestablished, it works just fine, with 1:N relationships between the tables.

So, it was easier than I thought :) :)

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