I think it is called "User Tracking"


New member
Local time
Today, 09:40
Jun 26, 2012
My supervisor today tasked me with a request that the access DB I am working on have a dropdown box with a user selection (maybe with password maybe without). Once the user "Logs in" it will store this information somewhere then when the user fills in a new form it will put their username/name into a field so he can see who filled out the form. This should be fairly simple but I don't know how to do it or even the official term for it. The supervisor doesn't want it where they are required to choose their username/name when they start to fill out the form (because that would be easy!!!). I believe from what I have been able to gather that this is called "user tracking" but I am not sure if it is or not. My background is computer support/graphic design not access or VBA programming so I can make a pretty database but with some of the more advanced stuff like this I am at a loss.

So to be specific: I am looking for a way that when the end user starts the database it requires them to choose their name, and when they start to fill out a new form it stores that name somewhere in the table and will display on the form.

Sorry to post in General I didn't know where this should go.

I am working in Access 2010 in a non-web database that I have been told will be ported over to SQL at completion.
Hi Stamage,

Welcome to the forums.

What I did in my case was to create a hidden text box on the form where the user logs in. This hidden textbox will contain the username/name of the person signed in.
This window can then be set to me.form.visible=false after the log in has completed.

I then refer to the forms!login!textbox123 whenever wanting to fill in the detail of the username. the default value for the user needs to point to tat control.
Having the window hidden means it is there for all other windows to see.
Thanks, that definitely sounds like a viable option and I will give it a go.

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