Images in a drop down menu


Registered User.
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Today, 20:31
Dec 3, 2002
Is it possible to put images in a drop down menu, eg: instead of having "square" "circle" and "square" you could have a picture in it's place.

Thanks :)
I think he means combobox.
And unless there's an ActiveX control out there suited fot that purpose then the answer, unfortunately, is no.
useful? hmmmmm

this might be off the mark a bit..

but could you not use a font such as dingbats or wingdings to pick up a square or a triangle or something else?

just make the combobox like normal..
with the letter which corresponds to the symbol in wingdings i.e. r = a rather nifty box.. with 3d shading..

the excitement is just too much....

so the table says r but the combobox on the form is formatted to wingdings...

I wonder if it's purely cosmetic or the users need a picture to identify a square... :confused:
not sure.. a light bulb came on in my head and thought maybe this might help.. like you say there is no other way.. but it should not matter how it is stored..

you could have a shape table with shapecode i.e. r
and then shapedescription which would be square etc etc..

of course if the users pc does not have wingdings or whatever then the whole thing goes belly up!

now children, lets have a look through the round window!
Images in a dropdown

While you can't place them in the drop down you could reference them and display them on your form when you select them from the drop down. Here is a simple example. Maybe it'll help.



Thanks for that sample database :)

It's sort of what I was after but ideally the pictures would be 'on' the drop down menu (combo box).

I've tried having one table with the pictures in, and then the linking the combo box to the fields in the table, but it doesn't allow it to link to those fields.

Any other possible suggestions would be greatly appreatiated :)
Steve_God said:
Thanks for that sample database :)

It's sort of what I was after but ideally the pictures would be 'on' the drop down menu (combo box).

I've tried having one table with the pictures in, and then the linking the combo box to the fields in the table, but it doesn't allow it to link to those fields.

Any other possible suggestions would be greatly appreatiated :)

This is not possible in access. You have to move up to Visual C++ or Visual Basic to have this particular control.
I think this is what you are looking for.

You need to add in two ActiveX Controls to your Project - an ImageCombo & an ImageList.

Here is an example which will hopefully work for you. If not it will be down to missing references.

Unfortunately I am sooo busy at the moment that this is all the help that I can give - if someone else wants to have a play with the db attached it could do with a clean up as it's a '2 minute wonder'.

Hope this helps,


Access blows up with this db.

Maybe cause I have 2k?

Not sure it just errors out and immediately closes.

PaddyIrishMan said:
Attached is a 2k version with no startup form assigned to it.

EVERYONE loves MSAccess ;)

Nice but its ActiveX :-p

Re: Cool!!

Not A PHB said:
Thanks Paddy!! That is a keeper! :)

Be careful with this type of control. It does not support a lot of events so you lose a lot of functionality. You can relate this pretty control to life in general, you have all these hot chica's out there...but the hottest ones are always the stuck up ones :p
I like the way you put that :p

Just like the hot chicas I want it mostly for the wow factor.

Not A PHB said:
I like the way you put that :p

Just like the hot chicas I want it mostly for the wow factor.


lol..the wow you're so purdyyyyyy but at the same time you're so heartless!!!!

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