In access 2007 convert from form view to design view


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Today, 15:06
Sep 22, 2011
Hello Everyone
This is my first post. I have Microsoft access 2007. As required, I have downloaded an access database that is in form view and I need to do queries on this database to extract specific data. I feel comfortable attempting the queries only if I can see the data in the database via datasheet view. However, when I attempt to change as stated above using the views: design view just shows a picture of the form and the datasheet view is blank.
Any tips on how I can convert this database to datasheet view to reveal the fields etc...


Open the database. Click the large round button in the upper left hand corner of the screen, and from the menu that is presented, select the Access Options button at the lower right hand corner of the screen. Select the "Current Database" option. Locate the "display navigation pane" option and check the check box to indicate that you want to show the navigation pane. Close this options window. You will be prompted that you need to close the database before the changes will take affect. Close and reopen the database. If you would like to not have the Main Menu form open when you open this database, hold down the Shift key while opening it and continue to hold the Shift key down until the database file has opened.

You should now be seeing the list of objects on the left side of your database screen. You may need to right click on the top of the navigation pane and select the "Show all object types" to see all of the objects.
Tks for your reply, I'll attempt and advise.


Mr. B
Tks for the tips, it worked. It opened the other forms that makeup the database. I'm getting more familiar with access, but I'm still a novice.
Sorry, but I have an additional question: is it possible to run queries on forms? I don't think so because when I click on create a query, the query wizard brings up a lot of tables, alot more than I expected. I assume these are the tables underlying the forms. I assume I would run the queries from there correct?

Tks again for your help.

Last edited:
Hello anyone
I was able to run some queries using the tips that Mr. B said to open the database but I can't see them anywhere even though I have saved them. Normally, in regular tables they drop in under the tables but is it because this database is made of forms, they aren't readily visible. Does anyone have any tips where I can see them.

You still need to right click on the top of the navigation pane and from the menu click on the option to view all objects. Evidently you are only seeing the forms. Believe me, there are several tables and querys, etc.
You still need to right click on the top of the navigation pane and from the menu click on the option to view all objects. Evidently you are only seeing the forms. Believe me, there are several tables and querys, etc.

Thanks, I figured that out later. You have been most helpful.

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