inserting new records between existing records in a table


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Local time
Today, 11:55
Feb 11, 2012
I created a table to list over 1000 comic books that I bought at a yard sale. I have 200 records so far and as I go through the books I would like to insert new records between existing records in the table, but so far I haven't been able to do this.
The order of the records in the table should not matter. If you need a specific order, it would be better to make a field for sort order, and use a query to actually do the sort.
You can't insert a record between two records, you can only add to the end. But as Speakers_86 notes, you should have a field that sorts the records the way you want so that whatever record you add to the end immediately appears wherever you want it to. For example, in my table I have a field called SortOrder where I put the Lastname, Firstname (as in Doe, John) so that when I add Amy Aaron to the database, she appears before Amy Abelia after I save the record. I also create a Rownum field (which Access doesn't automatically have) and make it an autonumber so that I can always go back to the original order the records were entered should I so choose (though I rarely do so).
To be clear, if you set a sort order on your table (other than on your Autonumber field) it will probably NOT hop the new "Amy Aaron" entry up before "Amy Abelia" until you close/reopen the table, or hit refresh. But sort order is the ONLY way to ensure sort order. A table is just a collection of rows by itself.

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