Iran: A Nuclear Power?

Does it seem logical the either the US or Israel would be killing professors known to be dissenters?

Or is it more likely that the demented leadership of Iran thought to kill two birds with one stone?
I think we all know in this case that the people who benefit from the professor's death are the iranian government and so they are almost certainly the people behind it.

We also know that they blame the USA and Israel for everything that happens to them including earthquakes, floods, droughts etc
Blaming the US for everything is a simple minded solution to a lot of problems. Inlcuding the Israeli people in the blame game just adds a bit of religious fuel to the fire of stupidity.

Does it seem logical the either the US or Israel would be killing professors known to be dissenters?

Or is it more likely that the demented leadership of Iran thought to kill two birds with one stone?
and we've used Iraq before to tackle Iran. Your point?
And the puppet you installed in Iran brought nothing but misery to the country, why doesn't America try staying at home sorting out its own probelms, we'll give you a shout if needed, that's provided you're awake of course?
and we've used Iraq before to tackle Iran. Your point?

What are you talking about? Have you been following this? Please stop reading the “Forum Response Handbook” by Colin Essex
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And the puppet you installed in Iran brought nothing but misery to the country, why doesn't America try staying at home sorting out its own probelms, we'll give you a shout if needed, that's provided you're awake of course?

I wasn't aware that the West was installing fanatical Islam extremist into power in Iran.

When did that happen?
And the puppet you installed in Iran brought nothing but misery to the country, why doesn't America try staying at home sorting out its own probelms, we'll give you a shout if needed, that's provided you're awake of course?
Way back in 1979 when the regime change occurred in Iran (and Rich was about -10 if his personal details here are correct) the USA was very opposed to the new iranian regime. The iranians were also very anti-american in their actions and actually held about 100 US embassy staff hostage for about a year. so I don't think the iranian regime can fairly be described as a US puppet at any time.
Way back in 1979 when the regime change occurred in Iran (and Rich was about -10 if his personal details here are correct) the USA was very opposed to the new iranian regime. The iranians were also very anti-american in their actions and actually held about 100 US embassy staff hostage for about a year. so I don't think the iranian regime can fairly be described as a US puppet at any time.
The Shah of Iran was an American puppet who was also ruthless toward his own people, that's why the Yanks were opposed to change, OIL was once again the reason why the West tried to have control over both Iran and Iraq
The Shah of Iran was an American puppet who was also ruthless toward his own people, that's why the Yanks were opposed to change, OIL was once again the reason why the West tried to have control over both Iran and Iraq

Oh you mean after the British divided it up to serve their own oil interest.

"What's good for BP is good for Great Britain".

The current problems in Iran have nothing to do with the Shaw, Hello the people are living under a dictator.

He's is a religious fanatic. You remember the people you are always on about. Your hypocrisy has no limits.
The Pahlavi family estate was in Surrey but the ever so brave British government and immigration officials disuaded the Shahanshah and his family from moving there because of security paranoia. The British government did assist the family to relocate to South America via the Bahamas - same route they gave safe passage to some German officials some 30-odd years earlier.

The Shah of Iran was an American puppet who was also ruthless toward his own people, that's why the Yanks were opposed to change, OIL was once again the reason why the West tried to have control over both Iran and Iraq
What are you talking about? Have you been following this? Please stop reading the “Forum Response Handbook” by Colin Essex

I'm talking about the fact that the US has always used proxy states to contest regimes it doesn't like. There's nothing fantastical about Iraq being used in this way. It's been done before over and over again.

I find your apocalyptic view on things a little naive.
I'm talking about the fact that the US has always used proxy states to contest regimes it doesn't like. There's nothing fantastical about Iraq being used in this way. It's been done before over and over again.

I find your apocalyptic view on things a little naive.

Ok, so when the Israelis drop some bombs on Iran. You can send me a note apologizing and enclose a cigar.

I don't see any correlation between Iraq and nuclear proliferation in Iran.

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