Join Table basics?


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Today, 11:08
Apr 19, 2012
I am starting on a Join table in my database. I know I will have; a FK from Table1, a FK from Table2, a PK in the Join Table, and I need a date field at least in the Join Table. I would like to place 3-5 fields additionally in the Join Table.
Should I add these fields to the Join Table or not?
How will this affect performance?
Should all these fields be indexed?

I will be building a schedule on this, scheduling Clients into the different Classes we provide. Eventually it will be a core part of tracking every activity of a Client at our facility. Potentially having thousands of records with multiple people running queries in it at the same time.
Any help and comments would be appreciated.
You have highlighted a specific issue with a "join table" and raised some related questions.

In plain English can you tell us about Table 1 and table2 -- what are these really? Why do you think a "join table" is needed?

I'm not familiar with the term "join table" - but is sounds similar to a junction table or linking table?

Are you familiar with Normalization?

Here is a tutorial that may put many concepts into context and help answer your questions via an example.

Good luck with your project.
Yes, I am talking about a Junction table. I was using FK for foreign key and PK for primary key.
-Table1 has all of the Classes that we have during a week, 50 total. It has the Class Name, Desc., Day, and Time.
-Table2 is the Client table and has all relevant Client info

-Each client can be in 1 -4 classes per week, for 8,12,21, or 26 weeks each.
-Each Class can have up to 15 Clients attending
They have a many-to-many relationship, correct?

I know enough about Normalization to check Enforce Referential Integrity in the relationship definition. I am going now to look at the link that you gave. Thanks for the reply.
Does this data model give any insight into relationships?

You can not have (in final model) many to many. You resolve many to Many via Junction table that creates two 1:Many relations. And you can have additional fields in the Junction table as required - such fields are dependent on the PK of the Junction Table ( date of this persons class, amount paid for OrderedItem, Quantity of OrderedItems...)

see this youtube video (Many to Many)
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I understand, I was trying to justify why I need a Junction Table.
I went to that first link you gave for Rogersaccess... and read the multiple Normalization posts. I'm half way thru Entity-relationship Diagramming. Thanks for the help
Attribute placement is not arbitrary so "Should I add these fields to the Join Table or not" is not really a valid question. The question is "where do these fields belong".

There are many cases where you would add columns to a junction table. A common case would be a ClassRoster. It is a junction table that implements the many-to-many relationship between students and classes. One data field you might include is FinalGrade. OrderDetails is a junction table the joins Orders to Products and that table usually has a number of columns such as quantity, unitPrice, TaxibleFlg, etc. If it takes BOTH FKs to define the attribute, it belongs in the junction table.
I understand. The other columns would be Attendence, Level of participation, Homework given..
I think that it fits exactly what you were saying, it does take both FK's to define it.

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