Linked tables to problem


Registered User.
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Today, 14:09
Jun 23, 2007

I'm sure this is probably quite a basic question, but i'm having real difficulties with it:

I have a table filled with employee details (tbl1). Each employee has certain discipline that they fill, and the different disciplines are kept in a seperate table (tbldiscipline). This is essentially a job title, such as Accoutant Level 1, or Project Manager Level 3. Each discipline has a set of details that are related, for instance, daily charge rate, or code, etc. These details are kept in another seperate table (tbldiscipline_dets). On the data entry form, I have got a combo-box, which allows me to select the discipline... however, i would like to have some boxes on the form which automatically display the charge rate and code etc. I don't think i have set up the relationships correctly, so how should i go about setting this up?

Many thanks in advance,

Try this.

If you combo box is pulling its data from a query (it should be) or table. Make sure that you have the charge rate data in that same query.
So, column1; Disipline, column2; charge_rate and so on.
In your combo box on the form you are only storing the value of column1 (disipline) but you can call the value of column2 into another field.
Just make sure that feild is unbound, and has the control source set to =[Forms]![YourFormName]![CobmoBoxName].Column(1) (Or Column(2), or Column(3) which ever column you want to pull the data from.

If you want to store that value for calculatoins etcetera, that is a different ball game. But see if this hleps you. :)
ah - ok... this could me my primary problem - does it have to pull the data from a query?

Will give it a play tomorrow at work. Thanks Lister.
ps. smoke me a kipper...
ah - ok... this could me my primary problem - does it have to pull the data from a query?

Will give it a play tomorrow at work. Thanks Lister.
ps. smoke me a kipper...

Yes, queries are your friends. You need to use them to pull information together and not try to use just tables.
ok, thanks guys... thats worked almost perfectly. Now i just need to sort out why im having relationship issues for something else :(

Thank you very much,

ok, thanks guys... thats worked almost perfectly. Now i just need to sort out why im having relationship issues for something else :(

Thank you very much,


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