linking your combo boxes to a list box via a command button


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Today, 18:49
Dec 7, 2006

I need to select information from different combo boxes. Using a command button, i would then like the information transferred onto a list box.

I have so far managed to link all my combo boxes so the result comes out on a list box. if one combo box is left blank, i get no information in the list box. is there a simple way of doing this.


If Not IsNull([cboNameHere]) Then
Code to add to list box here
End If
Thanks for this, but where would I put the code. Do i have to add this to the row source properties.

Sorry I assumed you were passing combo values to list box with code. If not my answer will be of no help. How are you doing it?
on the combo boxes i am selecting the row source and then using the code "Me.List28.Requery" on the after update on the properties.

on the list box on row source i have the expression:

Main.[Effective amount], Main.[ID code] FROM Main WHERE (((Main.[Agency scope])=forms!formtest!combo26) And ((Main.[AF product group])=forms!formtest!combo36));

how would i do this by code then.
OK I guess the first question before I can help you code this is what should appear in the List Box if one of the Combos is blank or should there always be a value there and you just need to ensure there is before you populate the list box?
if one of the combo boxes is blank i still want to be able to see everthing in the list box, that relates to the selection made in combo boxes.

ie. if i select one country in a combo box, i would like to see all its products and prices if the product combo box was left blank.

This IS NOT tested but should be very close to what you need
Assumes at least one of your combos will always have data

Private Sub Command107_Click()
Dim strRowSource As String
If IsNull([Combo26]) Then
strRowSource = "Main.[Effective amount], Main.[ID code] FROM Main WHERE ((Main.[AF product group])=forms!formtest!combo36);"
If IsNull([Combo36]) Then
strRowSource = "Main.[Effective amount], Main.[ID code] FROM Main WHERE ((Main.[Agency scope])=forms!formtest!combo26);"
strRowSource = "Main.[Effective amount], Main.[ID code] FROM Main WHERE (((Main.[Agency scope])=forms!formtest!combo26) And ((Main.[AF product group])=forms!formtest!combo36));"
End If
End If
Me.List28.RowSource = strRowSource
End Sub
Would you have an example of this on a form.

No I do not, hense NOT TESTED. Just add a button to formtest and place the code on the on_click event. BTW I believe You'll need to add SELECT to the string as in
"SELECT Main.[Effective amount], Main.[ID code] FROM Main WHERE ((Main.[AF product group])=forms!formtest!combo36);"

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