microsoft jet database engine stopped the process


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:05
Oct 2, 2002
I have a tabbed form with subforms which in-turn have subforms. I am able to load the data in the fields the way i want to through queries and ADO code. On adding data in the form, it updates 3 tables. In 1 table it is done automatically thru' the access connection between tables and forms whiile in the other tables, the updates in the tables is done through ADO code using the after update event. I am able to add/update the data in these other tables without any problem. The problem comes when i try to delete an existing record from the form. When i try to delete a record it gives me the following message:
"microsoft jet database engine stopped the process because you and other user are attempting to change the same data"
Inspite of this, the ADO code updates the 2 tables it is suppose to while the table in direct connection with the form doesn't delete the entry and gives the above mentioned message. For now i have disable the delete and have to do it manually so that the inventory it controls doesn't get messed up. Could someone please let me know a possible solution.

I read that page earlier..But didn't know what a bit data type in access 2002 is.
i kind of jus' read that..But in the concerned table, there is no bit data type. there was jus' one extra field which was not being used and i deleted that field but the message still remains the same..
Try doing a compact / repair on the db.

Other than that, it sounds like the record is locked for editing.
i tried that too rite now..Also i deleted other sub-forms, accessing the same table, and tried the delete..But it still didn't work. Wonder what the reason could be..I got a list of solutions from
and tried the applicable (3197) solution..But to no use. Lemme know if there's something else you may think is the reason..

i would say.. open the table up during the process and find the record that it is supposed to delete. Make sure there isn't a Ø on the record (all the way to the left on the selector) that denotes that it is locked for editing.
i didn't know there was any such mark in Access that denotes a record lock. In any case, i opened the form and went to the particular record and then opened up the table to see if there really was any such mark, but there was no such mark.
Guess what..I got the solution..Phew i am relieved..I had my friend help me. All it was that in the query associated with the form recordset, there was a field from another table whose entry was not suppose to be deleted but was just meant to be referenced. So i just unchecked the field and it worked. For those who have the same problem and need more help after reading this, can write to me. Thanks Kodo..

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