Multiple Events in Events Database


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 02:34
Aug 7, 2014

I have developed a simple database for managing a weekly events program. Events are entered individually at the moment and can be viewed separately and in various groups.

The whole purpose of the database is to streamline the creation of a weekly program of events which is both printed and emailed. Many of the events are held each week with some small change of details.

My problem is that I would like to enter the multiples of the same event for each week for the whole year in one simplified process rather than having to do the same over and over for each First Event, Monday, 12.30pm, First Location

Has anyone developed a system for entering multiple events in one process? In other words I want to be able to replicate records with most of the information the same but a different date.

Dennis :banghead:
Well I never knew that before there are 2 spellings of cancelled...
Thanks Allan
I was able to use your database and build what I wanted form my group. Thank you very much

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