must trick to backColor textbox


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:05
Oct 5, 2004
I open form and get parameter in the openArgs

I have a tabular Form
and I want change the color if the ID is aqual.

for example:
I open the form like this:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmMessageShow", , , "fID=" & Me.fID, , , Me.AssighmentId
[the Me.AssighmentId is the openArgs]

I want in the second form to color the textbox if AssighmentId = me.openargs

I try do it:
If Me.AssighmentId = Me.OpenArgs Then
AssighmentId.BackColor = vbRed
End If

and its not work :mad:

is there is an option to do it?

Sorry mate, but I don;t really understand what you are trying to achieve here.

Is AssighmentID a text box???

From what I can tell you checking the Value parameter of the AssighmentID text box to see if it is equal to the passed value and if it is then you want to change the back colour to red.

Is that correct?
Last edited:
I know my english not good, but I success do it.

I did conditional formatting with expression

and in the page load I wrote:

If Not IsNull(Me.OpenArgs) Then
Me.Text39 = Me.OpenArgs
End If

that work great.

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