Navigation form goes blank if one query returns 0 records


Access Developer
Local time
Today, 09:03
Feb 28, 2012
I have a tabbed navigation form. I have a form on one of the tabs, [tab1frm] that a query that consists of 6 fields that are each from a different the record source. This shows a percentage field, an image field, and a count field for current month and then then the same fields for year-to-date.

The problem is that when there are no records for the current month, the whole form [tab1frm] is blank. I read that if no records are returned this can happen, but since there are always records returned for year-to-date, I don't know why its happening. Is there any way to make blank fields show up or to show the most recent records so the form is never blank?

thank you
Post you database with some sample data.
Thank you. The attached the dbase is in access 2010 because its features wouldn't allow me to save to an earlier version. Notice that the form is blank but if you add a june record to the kI_data table it will show up. ONe field is a graphic, It doesn't show in the trimmed version, but that ok.


The problem is that when there are no records for the current month, the whole form [tab1frm] is blank.
Could you explain how do I get no records, and where is the form [tab1frm]?
i used [tab1frm] as a generic name. the form navigation form is called Navigationfrm. The form that comes up blank is called KI_Dashboard. You access it by clicking on the tab that says "Mainframe KI". If there is no form up automatically, then under forms double click KI_Dashboard. It will show up all white space. If you go to the table named KI_data and put in a record for june 2013, then the form will show up.
you will get this if:

your form does not permit additions, either on purpose, or because the query is non-updateable


there are no records to display.
The thing is There are records to display. There is a Year to date query that has records to return on the right of the form. I added data for june so the form would show. The screenshot and a copy of the dbase with the form showing up are attached. I need at least the YTD data to display. The form permits additions but it is not an entry form, it displays calculated fields and 2 images. Thank you so much for your time.


  • MainframeForm.jpg
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