Need Help Chaps


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:04
Jan 16, 2003
I have tried for three days now and reorganized my table added some and delted fiels and re done a form in four lanquages.

frmCompany has Subforms:-


Now this was done so that a Company can have more than one Address but the ContactDetails and Notes are related to the tblAddresses.

Now I have created buttons on the subfrom frmAddress so that I can add a branch Address to the Company on the CurrentRecord of frmCompany. But I need the other subforms on the frmCompany that are note related to the frmCompany but subfrm frmaddress to advance to the next record with navigators in the subfrm frmAddress.

by the way this is a many to many relationship between the tblCompany and tblAddress which I'll have to make a new frm to add a Company to and Address instead of an Address to a COmpany unles you have any Ideas on this one as well

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