Nice to see that things don't change

Har har. ;) In fact, at my work here they are wanting to obliterate Access databases, and they are saying that starting this year or next they are going to start installing the lesser version of MS Office that doesn't include Access to try to keep people from creating their own databases which then become a mess because people don't know what they are doing and all of a sudden they are 'mission critical' databases and they need IT's help. :rolleyes: I'm trying to re-do some of my Access databases into to SQL Server or Oracle Apex to get rid of them.

Sounds like what we are doing at my job. Unfortunately, I'm one of the IT resources that has to help convert them to SQL Server and Oracle with my Access experience. :rolleyes: :p
In fact, at my work here they are wanting to obliterate Access databases,

They did that at my work a few years back. They said Access was too "network intensive", so stopped me and Ally doing any more new ones. They gave us new jobs, that's when I decided to retire early. Money wasn't a problem so I gave up work, I wasn't enjoying my new job anyway.

Cindy, interesting that you haven't been around for the reasons you described. If we were to believe what the mods here say, everybody left because of me and Rich. Just shows how wrong people can be.

Oh, I am amicable:) - I have respect for less than 3 people on this site and you are (and always have been) one of them.

Har har. ;) Seriously though, you seem almost...amicable...lately. What's happened to you? :)

I'm pleased to hear that you're minding your manners, even if it's only because you're feeling forced to. :cool:

Having been gone for a bit I just read the news about David Crake. Terrible news really. I rebuilt my machine with Windows 7 so it's taken me a bit to make it back to all my websites. Aside from being busy, and not involved with Access nearly as much any more, that is. In fact, at my work here they are wanting to obliterate Access databases, and they are saying that starting this year or next they are going to start installing the lesser version of MS Office that doesn't include Access to try to keep people from creating their own databases which then become a mess because people don't know what they are doing and all of a sudden they are 'mission critical' databases and they need IT's help. :rolleyes: I'm trying to re-do some of my Access databases into to SQL Server or Oracle Apex to get rid of them.

I still have to pop around from time to time though to see how everyone is doing. Awfully quiet around here these days. I also miss Tess and Idjit. And Selena. Let's see, who else?

What happend t oDavid Crake?
They did that at my work a few years back. They said Access was too "network intensive", so stopped me and Ally doing any more new ones. They gave us new jobs, that's when I decided to retire early. Money wasn't a problem so I gave up work, I wasn't enjoying my new job anyway.

Cindy, interesting that you haven't been around for the reasons you described. If we were to believe what the mods here say, everybody left because of me and Rich. Just shows how wrong people can be.

Oh, I am amicable:) - I have respect for less than 3 people on this site and you are (and always have been) one of them.


Damn Col, that really hurts my feelings.
They did that at my work a few years back. They said Access was too "network intensive", so stopped me and Ally doing any more new ones. They gave us new jobs, that's when I decided to retire early. Money wasn't a problem so I gave up work, I wasn't enjoying my new job anyway.

Good for you that you had that option. It'll be a while before I can even think about retiring. Unless I win the lottery. I'll hold my breath and wait for that to happen. :(

Cindy, interesting that you haven't been around for the reasons you described. If we were to believe what the mods here say, everybody left because of me and Rich. Just shows how wrong people can be.

Well, it is true that it wasn't much fun to come around for a while. I know of a couple of other people that got tired of the constant bickering and sniping as well. So there may be some truth to that.

Oh, I am amicable:) - I have respect for less than 3 people on this site and you are (and always have been) one of them.


Well, thanks. :) You and Rich have always been nice to me, even when having a go at me. ;) Sorry to see that Rich hasn't been around much lately either.
Sounds like what we are doing at my job. Unfortunately, I'm one of the IT resources that has to help convert them to SQL Server and Oracle with my Access experience. :rolleyes: :p

I know the feeling. Only me and one or two other guys up here know anything about Access, so whenever there is a problem it ends up coming to one of us. Like the one a few months ago that was designed by someone in Finance...they were pulling in all of the payroll data into a new table in the database every time payroll ran, then appending that new table into an existing table that had ALL the payroll data for who knows how many years. Needless to say, the database was almost at the 2GB breaking point and was beginning to choke. That was the first time IT found out it existed, when they were yelling "Help!" :rolleyes:

Ah, well. Job security for a while, I suppose. :D
Oh, I am amicable:) - I have respect for less than 3 people on this site and you are (and always have been) one of them.


I think that is one of the most telling things you have ever said. It speaks volumes about what is really in your heart.
Thanks Thales and Cindy, yes it is only a matter of time, 19 years of fighting myelo fibrosis have left her immune system very weak so chemo is out of the question, She is much stronger thn i am, I had her home for a few hours today and as soon as i got her out of the car she was pointing out things that needed doing in the front garden, She's great. Brian

Brian, my thoughts are with both of you. Myelo Fibrosis has a lot of the same symtoms as the leukemia I have. Low platelets, weakness, etc. Even with mine in "remission" for two months, I am still fighing low platelets and anemia. Probably will for a long time. I take whatever I can from each day. Hope you do the same.
:eek: Right in the path of all those hurricanes etc No thanks I think our climate etc is just fine...

Oh Brian, you disappoint me :( It's all well and good for you sitting down there in tropical England what about us poor freezing sods up here in polar Scotland who have found ourselves on midsummers day donning our winter woolies! Let the lad move us south for Pity's sake :p
My visits are brief, Hazel is in a Marie Curie Hospice at the moment with yet another cancer so I spend as much time with her as possible and come here for a bit of mind distraction.


I'm sorry to hear that Brian. Hope she gets well soon x
Brian, take the time to be with Hazel while you can. When I faced such a personal loss some years ago, I made the time and gave up much of my social life for my mother, who eventually passed on after a long bout with Alzheimer's. I took a little while to turn my life around but it happened. And when it did, I could face myself in the mirror, certain that I had done what was required at the time for my dear mother.

I've been away for a while. I visited shortly after we lost David Crake. Since then I have tried to keep up with things on the forum, but the truth is I have been up to my ... well, up to no good at work. We are doing a major platform migration on my primary project, which is neither Access nor Windows-based. We are migrating four servers from one machine to another and the differences require us to recompile and relink the whole world at least twice. Or so it seems.

My Access project is standing still waiting for progress in getting approval for a small, virtual system to act as a site-local file server for our BE file. Right now the BE is several states away and the network latency drives me nuts on good afternoons.

I will try to visit more often. But the truth is I am still overly busy and too tired to do much on the forum right now. Once the migration is finished, I hope that will change.
Brian, take the time to be with Hazel while you can. When I faced such a personal loss some years ago, I made the time and gave up much of my social life for my mother, who eventually passed on after a long bout with Alzheimer's. I took a little while to turn my life around but it happened. And when it did, I could face myself in the mirror, certain that I had done what was required at the time for my dear mother.

I've been away for a while. I visited shortly after we lost David Crake. Since then I have tried to keep up with things on the forum, but the truth is I have been up to my ... well, up to no good at work. We are doing a major platform migration on my primary project, which is neither Access nor Windows-based. We are migrating four servers from one machine to another and the differences require us to recompile and relink the whole world at least twice. Or so it seems.

My Access project is standing still waiting for progress in getting approval for a small, virtual system to act as a site-local file server for our BE file. Right now the BE is several states away and the network latency drives me nuts on good afternoons.

I will try to visit more often. But the truth is I am still overly busy and too tired to do much on the forum right now. Once the migration is finished, I hope that will change.

Sadly Doc-Man - Hazel passed away. I think Brian will appreciate your sentiments however.
Thanks Doc for caring enough to post, and Adam for remembering.


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