Normal upper and lower case in sql


Registered User.
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Today, 20:01
Jan 16, 2003
People have entered themselves in the db in lc and upper and a mixture of both. Is there a way when displaying the names, please, to say in sql that I want them to be 'normal' - ie Peter Plant, Sue Marris, etc even though they are entered as PETER plant and sue marris?
Cheers, Peter, but not much point to the forum if people don't ask for advice. Not only will every possible question about access et al have been answered on this very forum over the years, but every answer is in lots of books too.

We have forums for the interaction - when it is helpful. Helpful folks helping others - the very essence of the real internet.

And, Peter, I'm asking about sql, not vb nor vba.

It may have amused some experienced members to see you acting superior like this, but it hasn't helped, has it? I don't know the answer still - whereas I could have got it in a straight forward helpful way from another forum. I am upset to have felt obliged to answer your dismissiveness, and it's an unfair reflection on

And you have missed the chance to show that you do know the answer - if you do.
And, Peter, I'm asking about sql, not vb nor vba.
Then why ask about it in the VBA fourm?
Any way the post I directed you too furnishes the StrConv function which will work in SQL to give you what you require.

The only thing to watch for is that SQL cannot use VB constants so you will need to use the values.

I asked in the VBA forum because - as you know - sql is an important part of VBA.

Thanks very much for the direction, and the advice, Peter. Cheers

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