Number of pages in report


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Today, 16:13
Jul 3, 2002

This may be very simple but is there a way to increase the number of pages in a report? I am limited to a height of 22 inches in the detail section of the report, which gives about 3 pages. I need more. I am using access 97.


Even printing 255 columns (table limit), I find it hard to believe that you need more than 22 inches unless they're all memo fields.

Dare I ask what you are printing?
Well I guess I have it all wrong.

I need a lot of space since I am printing charts, comments, and other stuff coming from different tables.

The goal is to produce a nice looking report from what the user will input. Those inputs control what data will be printed from the tables.

I need about 4 pages. I guess I could increase the width of my detail section (something that I didn't think of...). It is now limited to 6.5 inches and the height is at a maximum of 22 inches (3 pages in total).

Maybe there is another way to do this, I'm good at VBA but not quite familiar with Access


Either use subReports to add some of the data, or reduce the size of the controls and set the can grow properties to yes

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