ODBC call failed


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:12
Dec 2, 2008
Until recently, I would pull all of my tables off of the AS/400 (IBM System i) through the ODBC external data interface in Access. Now when I try to pull anything over, I get the ODBC call failed error. It was suggested to me that the error was caused by a change to our SQL server. Unfortunately our IT people have no idea how to fix the problem and I am not set up to change anything in SQL; and even if I was, I wouldn't know where to begin.

That being said, I am still able to import the data into Excel. We have an Add-In set up to Transfer data in and out of System i. What I need is the VBA code to automate the transfer process in Excel. Once I can get that piece figured out I can pull it into Access. I would really appreciate help with this issue.
Have you tried rebuilding the ODBC link to your SQL Server Database?
How would I go about doing that?
Got to Control Panel

Administration Tasks

Data Sources (ODBC)
click on the System DNS
and see if there is anything familiar there
The ODBC driver is there; but I'm not sure what the settings were before it started messing up on me to know what to change them to.
Then oyu may need to talk to the person who created it in the first instance, or someone else who knows a little bit more htan you do.
Unfortunately, these were probably set up with support from whomever we purchased the system through. If our IT could have fixed it, I wouldn't need to find an alternate means of approaching the problem. So pretty much, I'm left with my initial question of identifying the code to pull the data in via the Excel Add-In.

I really appreciate your help; and, in fairness, it really ought to be as simple as asking someone here how to fix the problem. And, I'm not sure how this forum works; but I would expect that when others searching the threads find that there are several replies already posted on this one, they might be reluctant to respond.

Thus, I am left with the question, should I repost my original question or is there someway to identify this thread as unsolved or, better yet, can you direct me to someone who might be able to answer my original question?
You originally stated

It was suggested to me that the error was caused by a change to our SQL server.

Does that not suggest that there is nothing wrong with the application but something to do with the changes that were made to SQL Server. You need to find out what actually changed and tackle it from there.

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