Only displaying Scrapped Items with yes/no field


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Today, 04:55
Dec 14, 2006
Hi everyone,

|I have completed a stockcontrol database, which i have managed to crack after a lot of hard work. Now there is one more thing that i need to accomplish. This should be dead simple but for some reason i am having a little trouble. I am trying to display all products which have been scrapped. To show that the product has been scrapped there is a tick box. Yes/no value. I presume i need to use a query, would I need to use vb to get ONLY the products which have ticked the check box to be shown? If anyone can help me that would be great!
Tick boxes have either a TRUE or FALSE value, so in a query criteria to select those with the tick box checked would be
WHERE [Scrapped] = TRUE
Thanks for the reply, when i do that it still puts in all the products, and not just the items that have been scrapped. Any Ideas?
Then something else is going on, might be data related. I suggest you post the SQL.
"WHERE [tblProducts.Scrapped]"="True".

This is what i put in the criteria on the scrapped field. The scrapped field is in the Products Table. Its a select query, which has Product_Name, Scrapped, Category and suppler. Maybe its not as simpl;e as i thought, but using the where statement should just show all the scrapped items which equal true. If there is anything else i can post to make it easier to understand the problem then please tell me. Thanks Fofa for your time.
Why all the double quotes? Should not have any quotes around anything. If you have quotes around TRUE, than it won't work as TRUE is a reserved word, and you are telling it to compare to the word TRUE instead of using the value of TRUE instead.
Thanks for your help, realised it was as simple as just typing TRUE in the criteria box and that was enough to show just the scrapped products.

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