OpenDatabase command to .accdb 2007 Access Database not working


New member
Local time
Today, 08:07
Apr 22, 2013
Hi Friends,

I normally use Excel to connect to 2003 format Access database. Even when i use Microsoft Access 2007 I have been making it a point to save the database in Access 2003 format. I use DAO to connect to the Access databases and have had DAO Object Library 3.6 reference in the IDE.

I have recently had to connect to Access 2007 and after much searching found that I had to install the 2007 Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components. I did that.

I removed the reference to the DAO 3.6 Object Library but when I add a reference to to Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine Object Library I find that the following line does no longer complie:

Dim db as DAO.Database
Set db = OpenDatabase(xyz.accdb)

Can someone please guide me as to what is it that I am missing.


You don't want DAO 3.6. You want the Microsoft Office Access Database Engine 12.0 Object Library which is the more updated DAO reference for Office 2007.

EDIT: Oh, and you need to have your xyz.accdb in quotes and the path

Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\FolderHere\FileName")
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Thanks Bob.
Yes I was referencing the correct library Microsoft Office Access Database Engine 12.0 Object Library but I was not able to get my code going. Then I saw that you have to do DBEngine.OpenDatabase. When I did that then the things starting working. I never tried this in the first place because I have always used
Set db = OpenDatabase("xyz.accdb") etc.
Any way thanks for your help. I greatly appreciate it. You are a genius and one day when I grow up I want to be like you.. (I am just in my 60s right now!! :))

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