Password Protection

Steve Bremner

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:13
Jul 16, 2003
Hi there, another query. How can I setup individual logins and usernames to be used on a form?
The only thing I have done as a temp measure is to set the validation text. This is not particularly ideal as it's not compulsary that the field be completed. For example, if you don't selelct the field to be populated you can bypass it altogether.
Can anyone help? Or point me in the right direction?

Steve Bremner said:
How can I setup individual logins and usernames to be used on a form?

In what way?
I'll give it a blast, however, I'm pretty crap to be honest so there will prolly be problems! ;)

I came! I saw! I crashed and burned! :(
mmmmm, I really do suck at this, I'm so damn out of touch! :mad:
Anyway, all I want to do, is for example have a table with usernames and passwords, and have a form that verifies the data.
Sorry to be a pain, but does anyone have any examples I could have a look at?

Thanks again!
I have a pretty good example that only requires you to drop the tables/forms/queries into your db and set the login form as the database startup form and.... Presto... Instint security! :D

Let me know what version of Access your running and I'll post a copy if you would like....

This db contains all of the objects necessary to implement this security solutionand is the one I spoke of earlier. To gain access to the db select user PUBLIC (It should be the default User Name as the system is setup to show the last person who logged in) and the password is PUBLIC also. With this example and some tweaking you can look down the db pretty securely - not as secure as MS Access Security - but not as difficult to manage either. If your users are pretty "green" when it comes to MS Access and security is not a huge issue this example should work just fine.

Its in A2000


Here is another example of user made security posted by Hayley Baxter. IT looks interest and could be a possible solution to your needs as well. Here is the link to the forum thread and db file:

Also if you do a search in these forums on 'Security' and topics like 'Personal Security' you'll find a lot more examples to help you set this type of security up...

Good Luck,
Houston, we have a problem.

Kev, when I try to set the username, I get compile errors. mmmm
Any ideas?
Steve -

Thats not a big deal - you have to set the DAO reference so to fix this problem shift bypass the startup (hold down the shift key when you open the database). Now from the view menu at the top click 'View' to open the menu then select 'Code'. Once your in the code module select 'Tools' from the menu at the top and then select 'References'. Once your in the reference menu scroll down until you find this reference:

Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library

Click its checkbox to select it - save and close. Reopen the db and you should be all set...

Post back if you have any other problems...

No problem Steve -

Glad I could help and Good Luck!

If this is just a small database where you do not care about transactions and accessing data...Id say a form with a password is useless. What is the use of one extra step in logging in? You could easily get the user name using Win API if that is what you are trying to accomplish with the password form. Otherwise I think you would need much more than that. I generally create a structure that has security based on read / write /access.

I usually have 3 layers:

User generally can provide inputs but very minor deletions. Admin has a bit more control with deletions and user accounts and editing fields that are usually non-editable by the end user.
SuperAdmin is equivalent to God Power..he / she has rights to anything. Your table can be linked to a many table for updates / additions and deletions with a flag determining whether the end user can do all of that.

But as I have said if the data is not that critical than you really dont need this much security.

Steve -

From your original note you were looking to set up a table/query combo to provide user login - based on this post I provided the "user created" security option as a way to implement your requested solution...

- As Jon pointed out - no it is not real secure. Now there are options to make it more secure then it currently is (disable shift bypass option, hide db objects/window, password protect be, etc) but this solution is best used if your users are not literate/db savy and the info being complied is not critical info. - Basically, this is best for a small, handful of users db....

If you want to fully secure then I suggest splitting your application into front end/ back end and implementing MS Access User-Level Security and password protecting the backend. For more info on this search this forum for 'User Level Security" , "Splitting database" , and "password protect backend"


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