Password Protection

Thanks for the additional advice guys. I'll let you know if I have any problems!
Kevin_S said:
Steve -

From your original note you were looking to set up a table/query combo to provide user login - based on this post I provided the "user created" security option as a way to implement your requested solution...

- As Jon pointed out - no it is not real secure. Now there are options to make it more secure then it currently is (disable shift bypass option, hide db objects/window, password protect be, etc) but this solution is best used if your users are not literate/db savy and the info being complied is not critical info. - Basically, this is best for a small, handful of users db....

If you want to fully secure then I suggest splitting your application into front end/ back end and implementing MS Access User-Level Security and password protecting the backend. For more info on this search this forum for 'User Level Security" , "Splitting database" , and "password protect backend"


Better yet .. create your own as I have suggested...much more room for changes.
Maybe you could provide Steve with an example of the table layout/relationships he will need?... or the forms/code to implement your proposed solution...? Possible to e-mail him an example maybe? I don't want to offer up your work for you but he posted here in the first place because he didn't know how to set this up and was looking for guideance...:D
Kevin_S said:
Maybe you could provide Steve with an example of the table layout/relationships he will need?... or the forms/code to implement your proposed solution...? Possible to e-mail him an example maybe? I don't want to offer up your work for you but he posted here in the first place because he didn't know how to set this up and was looking for guideance...:D

I'm way too busy do provide this...if you need a contract than you can contact me.

Otherwise your next step into learning how to do this is to look at Lassie from he has something similiar to what I'm describing. Of course his is a lot more in depth because he's actually selling the product (Cant remember the price). But the same logic applies...privelages / forms based on these privelages / as well as reports.
Mile-O-Phile said:

Mile-O and I :mad:

Now don't start that again - correcting people's speach, honestly just because you come from the posh area of Glasgow:p
Usually I'm the only one in other forums! The others better not hope we start typing with an accent!
Steve Bremner said:
Usually I'm the only one in other forums! The others better not hope we start typing with an accent!

I ken whit ye mean there Jimmy d'ya think they'd be able tae work oot whit we're talkin aboot??:p

Where you from?
Mile-O-Phile said:

Mile-O and I :mad:

At least I gave you credit for your input Mile-O, even if I did commit the cardinal sin of writing it quickly and lapsing a little on the English grammar. Its a good job we're not all perfect otherwise you'd not be able to be so picky.

Ever heard of the song "Me and Julio down by the schoolyard"? or is it "Julio and I down by the schoolyard"? maybe Paul Simon will know the correct title

Kevin S..

Can you also post a 2003 version or can I just convert the 2000 version to 2003?


<cant believe I still remember my loggin to this site 3 yrs. later and I cant believe I still get email from here!>

sorry to rant - to answer your question - you should be able to simpley convert the 2000 example. I havent used access in some time so Im afraid I no longer have samples or code available...

good luck!


Thanks.. I just converted it and it seems to be working ok..

Hi all..

Is there any way to set the security on this form??? Or is it mainly their as a "ruse" per say? If so where do you change it at and what are the levels?


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