Print report to PDF


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 17:56
Apr 15, 2004
Hey Guys,

I have searched and searched for this on the forum but to no avail. :(

I have just installed Adobe Acrobat 6.0 and so can create PDFs. Does anyone know the code I need for a button on a form to print a report to PDF format?

Many thanks,

Thanks for that Trucktime.

Using that I have worked it so that the PDF is selected as the default printer and then the report is printed. When the report is closed the default printer is reset to the laser we have here.


Here's a quick and easy way if you already have Acrobat Standard or Pro installed on your system:

' Set printer to Adobe PDF
Set Application.Printer = Application.Printers("Adobe PDF")

'Open report in (my default is print view)
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptSvcList"

' Reset printer to default
Set Application.Printer = Application.Printers(0)
Open your report in design view, File /Page Setup. Now click "Use Specific Printer" Click the Printer button and select Adobe PDF (or what ever you Adobe PDF printer is called)

Each time that you print this report the PDF printer will be used. If you want it to open in pdf format or to print a copy to the desktop (or any where you nominate) then set this in the Acrobat program.

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