Pulling Reports


Registered User.
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Today, 11:12
Aug 17, 2009
I have a split database that allows mulitple users to enter at the same time, and that function is working fine. The problem I am having is that once they enter the information into the form, the supervisors want them to print their report and submit a paper copy (insane, I know, but they want them to have an actual hand signature on the reports for legal reasons). Once they enter the required information I have instructed them to close out the program and reopen then enter the information prompted for the report. Here is the problem, the report isn't pulling any information back, it just gives a blank report. I have checked the back end data table and the information is there, it just isn't pulling. I can enter older information that has been in the database for a while and it it populates the report, but for some reason, the new information won't pull. Any clues on what I have done wrong? Thanks!!

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