Query for Inexact Match


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 10:49
Feb 18, 2004
I have converted an Old FileMaker Pro DB to Access.
There is a record for each of the 22,000 sheets of engineering project documents issued over a period of years.
One of the main fields we query by is the "Description" field.
If I have the following Criteria:
[Enter Document Description]
Then save and exucute the query Access seems to look for an exact match to the value I provide.
I need a query to return ANY record with the criteria value in it.
For example If I entered "Fire" I would like to return anything with "Fire" in the description:
B Building FIRE alarm Install
Building C FIRE sprinkler Demolition
A Building FIRE Exit Signage
Site FIRE Protection Main

How do I phrase a query to return records that contain the value I provide within the text string in the "Description" field?

I realize this is a dumb, rookie qiestion. I tried Access Help and
I tried a "search" in this Forum, I probably didn't do a good job describing my problem.
Using the query design screen, in the criteria box within the 'Description' field, type *FIRE*. This is a wildcard.
You need to use the Like operator for wildcard search. Type in the criteria cell:-

Like "*" & [Enter Document Description] & "*"
This Works from Design view, but I want to design the query so that it asks the user for a value which will run as a wildcard, instead of making the user go into design view.

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