Query link open form


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Today, 10:22
Dec 3, 2013
I created a query that shows everyone who has a specific date field blank. Now want to make those names clickable so that it opens a specific form with a certain record related to that individual in the query. Each line with a different individual should open a different person on the form and their corresponding record.

ANy ideas on how to do this.
You can't do this from a Query; you need to create a Form with the Query as its RecordSource. I would then use this as a Main Form and use the Form you mentioned as the basis for a Subform. As you move from Record-to-Record on the Main Form, the related Record would appear in the Subform.

Linq ;0)>
Is there a way to have one form. And at the top of the form you use a drop down list or something to change forms that are based on a query. If so how do you do this?
Do you want it to show a different Form, or a different Record in the same form? Those are two very different things, but assuming you really do want the former, you should look at a Switchboard-with-subforms model. You can turn different subforms visible and invisible as needed, though you'll need to be careful with SetFocus as Access balks if you try to turn a form that has focus invisible.

If you want the latter, that is a common request that you can search the forums for.

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