query not returning vales in expression


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Local time
Today, 11:17
Jan 16, 2013

I have a append query in which I use an expression to retrieve values to be appended. The query does not retrieve the values. I tried to reduce the query to one field and and ran it as a select, but still no luck.

here is the expression: Expr1: [Forms]![frm_sig_ic_questions_review]![leadership_factor] the leadership_factor does have a value.

I thought it might have something to do with nulls, but query will still NOT work if I use something like Date(). Here is the SQL code generated by ACCESS 2010: SELECT Date() AS Expr1 FROM temp_tbl_sig_ic_titlepage;

The query will work in ACCESS 2003.

Thank you for any help on this
It also works in 2010, are you sure temp_tbl_sig_ic_titlepage has any data?
I did solve this problem by ensuring that appended to table hada record in it. I don't know why that is true but it works ok now.

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